Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Trinidad and Tobago minister resigns ‘professional conflict on policy positions’

Dear Sir

The announcement of the sudden resignation of public utilities minister Robert Le Hunte shows that not only has Dr Keith Rowley lost the support of the people of Trinidad and Tobago, but members of his government are also losing confidence in his ability to govern as described, based on “professional conflict on policy positions”.

The prime minister addressed the population at length during a media briefing on Saturday but failed to let us know that not only had Le Hunte resigned but a member who was integral in the committee established by the prime minister to develop a post-COVID-19 recovery plan. Yet again, we see prime minister Dr Rowley ignoring the principles of accountability and transparency in public affairs.

While members of the public remain in the dark as to the reason for this resignation, it is quite unfortunate that at a point in time when our country requires strong and stable governance, we are facing instability and haphazard leadership.

As a population we must ask: Is this shocking resignation linked to any fall out within the Cabinet over the massive allegations and activities by the prime minister to meet with the sanctioned Venezuelan vice president and other officials, jeopardizing our international relations with our allies and well being of our nation?

Was this resignation as a result of members of the Dr Rowley government disagreeing with the untruths and betrayal of our citizens due to the actions of the prime minister and minister of national security to allow actions which pose severe repercussions towards the people of Trinidad and Tobago?

Our nation is facing one of the toughest economic periods it has ever faced and our business owners, employees, and citizens deserve competent leadership which can inspire and rally the citizenry to work together. In the last four and a half years Dr Rowley regime has been unable to provide sustainable develop for our economy.

Le Hunte resignation coupled with the massive blunders during this pandemic demonstrates that the Dr Rowley regime lacks the political will, intellectual ability, and vision to deliver Trinidad and Tobago out of this crisis.

Dr Rowley can no longer maintain the façade he’s built over the years, trying to convince the citizenry of his competence. As his government implodes, he must call the election now and give the people of Trinidad and Tobago the chance to elect a leader and team that are competent, with a proven track record, a vision and plan to move our country forward.

Senator Anita Haynes

Trinidad and Tobago



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