Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeEducation / CultureOttawa protests: Misdirected selfish human concerns?

Ottawa protests: Misdirected selfish human concerns?

Dear Sir

Thousands of Canadians arrived in Ottawa to protest a plethora of concerns, mostly all selfish in nature. I need to wear masks, follow governmental health and safety directives and suggestions. I cannot go to a bar, concert, hockey game, local strip joint or gather in a numbered approved event.

Owners of businesses are not prepared for the pressures and demands of multiple closures. Some have to follow industry directives to stay safe and healthy. How dare politicians and their appointed medical officers tell us what to do, when, where and how? These protesters seem to not know what they want, except that our prime minister be jailed” and return their “Freedoms”.

A carnival atmosphere exists in Ottawa presently. A good sign, amid a cold snap? I guess these people, many possible family members, neighbour’s and friends needed to get out after all they have been forced to endure what they had not experienced before, things like wearing masks, being safe and following health protocols that ask you to get vaccinated for your safety and others. Stay home for a while, actually parent your children and assist them in their studies. Businesses and individuals who have been told to hold monies in reserve should something happen in the future so they can take care of themselves.

The government has done much to assist both citizens and their businesses to carry on. Canadians experience what it is like to stand in a line for many hours to get a vaccination instead of the latest Apple phone. Oh the horror, oh the strain experienced. The people in Ottawa protested, calling for many ridiculous things, like getting their freedom returned as though they had freedoms or someone had taken these freedoms from them. They feel the pressure of various governments determined to have their citizens vaccinated. If they get vaccinated and have proof of these vaccinations they can enter restaurants, buy beer and alcohol. They feel their decision to not get vaccinated has been politically militarized, whereby the authorities deny entrance to many venues so long as they are not vaccinated.

Meantime, many in the world are concerned with other issues like the possible war in Eurasia, gas prices increasing steadily, most smaller nations have not received a great percentage of vaccinations at all. Poverty still reigns supreme in 55 percent of all nations in the world, and Americans seem to be okay with the fact that 2, 355 of their citizens die of COVID daily.

At home, while our neighbour’s protest in Ottawa, these are more urgent, morally superior things to protest such as:

  1. The deaths of @1,500 aboriginal youth over the last hundred years are hidden in unmarked graves. Many aboriginal communities continue to not have freshwater sources.
  2. The Catholic Church has not stood up to its responsibilities concerning aboriginal and “sexual abuse.”
  3. Black and non-white Canadians continue to be shot by police with flimsy or no real excuse.
  4. Canada and its provinces have a massive unmanageable provincial and national debt that needs to be repaid somehow.
  5. Every provincial health system in Canada is bankrupt lacking nurses and doctors who are all underpaid.
  6. The Management of Canada’s Senior Living is antiquated and in need of revolutionary changes. Canadians are getting older – who is going to care for us?
  7. Canada continues to be a resources-based economy, leaving our workforce and businesses open to international abuse, manipulation and political intrigue.

Enough reasons to protest? Where is our neighbour’s? I do not see our aboriginal neighbours in the many thousand in Ottawa, or our labour movement speaking up with militant marches supporting them. All the people concerned about their elderly parents and family members, where are you?

We are running out of time dealing with climate change, but where are the tens of thousands marching upon each provincial capital? True moral issues are easily found, but unless the selfish wants and needs of all Canadians are not recognized and fulfilled, does anyone care? Does anyone give a sh*t about their kids’ futures, or is life for the day all that counts?

Is Canada becoming a selfish, immoral nation that allows many of its citizens to suffer and be ignored for the sack of the mighty dollar and our greed?

Our political parties strive in competition or rivalry with another for power, but once acquired it seems to be business as usual. Who can we rely upon? Who can make the changes we require? Look in the mirror.

Steven Kaszab

Bradford, Ontario



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