Monday, February 17, 2025
HomeNewsCaribbean NewsThe Caribbean candidate for secretary-general of the OAS announces acceptance

The Caribbean candidate for secretary-general of the OAS announces acceptance

By Caribbean News Global  fav

WASHINGTON, USA – Hours after ambassador of Antigua and Barbuda to the Organisation of American States (OAS), Sir Ronald Sanders, announced the formal nomination of former UN general assembly president, Maria Fernanda Espinosa, for the post of secretary-general of the OAS; a response in the affirmative coupled with a twitter message stated:

“I [Maria Fernanda Espinosa] would like to announce that I have accepted the invitation made by many countries of our region to present my candidacy for the secretary-general of the OAS,” she said.

Antigua – Barbuda and St Vincent and the Grenadines nominate candidate for post of secretary-general of the OAS

The election for the post of secretary-general will be held in March 2020. The declared contestants are now the incumbent, Luis Almagro; the present ambassador of Peru to the United States, Hugo de Zela; and Maria Fernanda Espinosa.

“Our hemisphere is facing fragmentation and polarization,” said Fernanda Espinosa via twitter, “which has affected integration and eroded multilateralism. The OAS should be the main multilateral forum for political dialogue in the Americas and the Caribbean. The organization needs new leadership that will allow us to go back to the path of dialogue agreement and the respectful processing of our differences. The great challenge is to build unity in diversity. I believe in the opportunity to renovate the OAS”  said Fernanda Espinosa

Last week prime minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves of St Vincent and the Grenadines said, The OAS and its secretary-general Luis Almagro “are enemies of the democratic and progressive forces of our continent.”

“We can’t have Almagro remaining at the OAS”, adding “my mother teach [ed] me good manners you know, so I’ll meet him, I’ll be friendly with him.” However, “I don’t like what he’s done to the OAS and I don’t like how he’s seeking to implement a neoliberal agenda, don’t like it at all; so I have to fight against that in the interest of the people of St Vincent and the Grenadines and the region. I’m sorry. That is the position”, said Dr Gonsalves.

Fernanda Espinosa in her twitter broadcast messaged that “The great challenge is to build unity in diversity. I believe in the opportunity to renovate the OAS.”

According to  “ What we do” [ the OAS] – “The OAS uses a four-pronged approach to effectively implement its essential purposes. The Organization’s four main pillars –– democracy, human rights, security, and development –– support each other and are intertwined through political dialogue, inclusiveness, cooperation, and legal and follow-up instruments that provide the OAS with the tools to maximize its work in the Hemisphere.”

Fernanda Espinosa acceptance as the candidate for secretary-general of the OAS acknowledged that: “Poverty inequalities migration the grave danger that our brothers and sisters of the Caribbean and coastal people of the continent are facing due to the climate crisis demand that we act together. The challenges of security and organized crime also require our collective responses.

“These are some of the issues among many that must unite us and guide the work of the Organization. Once again I thank the countries that are promoting my candidacy and I commit myself to work together with member states and all actors for crafting a common agenda to build societies of peace justice and sustainable development for all,” she said.







  1. María Fernanda Espinosa Garcés is an Ecuadorian politician and diplomat. She was the President of the United Nations General Assembly for the 73rd session, office which started in September 2018.

    She agreed to send Ecuadoran army troops to SVG to build bridges. A deal was done later by Ralph Gonsalves for Ecuadorians to come to SVG to learn English at cut priced terms. Gonsalves said that the “Go Teacher” programme is collaboration among the SVG Community College, the University of the West Indies in Barbados and the Dominica State College.

    Camillo Gonsalves the fat mans step son said SVG has been designated as the primary spot where Ecuadorians will be learning English. But that turned out to be not much more than wishful thinking. Because after just one term it was discovered by the Ecuadorians they had been fooled into thinking Vincentians could speak English.

    Even the best English teachers in SVG suffer a problem with proper pronunciation of the English language.

    see this

    pay special heed to the comments

    I just spoke to a friend who said they never came at all, the whole thing was a fraud on the ULP followers, because normal people did not ever believe a word of it. Only the ignorant believed the whole thing, which is mainly ULP supporters.


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