Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeEducation / CultureSt Lucia’s political and religious barons succumb to Babylonia

St Lucia’s political and religious barons succumb to Babylonia

By Caribbean News Global contributor

CASTRIES, St Lucia – In the fantasy of a low flying hawk, clipped from frequent getaways by COVID-19; Allen Chastanet, prime minister of Saint Lucia, with little consideration for the Christian season of lent, is stone-cold, in his conquest of the imperial forces of Babylon, has unceremoniously said that the noise of the opposition Saint Lucia Labour Party (SLP) will not determine the date for general elections.

The sufferings of today, in the season of Lent, political and religious barons see and hear no evil. Social vulgarity and obscenity, has become normal to the air we breathe. Lies, theft, dishonesty, lawlessness has become an acceptable way of life. Poverty is widespread. Prostitution and rape are rampant, no matter the age, crime is rampant – still, there is no outrage.

The archdiocese of Castries is no less immune, with a clergy and shepherd, constipated to speak out and to seek redress, to the evils of society, has seemingly submitted to the moneyed class, for sizable contributions in the collection basket. And even to openly campaign in homilies, and phone calls, hiding behind the religious cloth.

Further, the compromise measure of this acceptability is found in the order of political and religious barons, kneeling to the latest curfew measures.

This is unholy, discriminatory and has no relevance to COVID-19 mitigation – testing – tracking – tracing – vaccination.

The prime minister asserts that people’s health concerns are critical, albeit, his campaign activities are averse to health care and COVID-19 protocols, witness every day, in the Ghettos and far reached areas of the country, looking scuffed, begging for votes.

Noting that it is the privilege of the prime minister to call general elections, Chastanet mutter wittingly or unwittingly that “never and will never be in breach of the law. We are mindful of the constitutional requirements,” talking loosely on a friendly talk show on Holy Thursday, unable to challenge his nuance.

Moreover, the prime minister is well aware that his term expires July 12, 2021, and there is a 90–day clause, thereafter. However, the prime minister who is ‘not so bright’ utters “many things I have to take into consideration, the number one being people’s health and safety”.

This leads to the former prime minister, Dr Kenny Anthony, who previously called for an inquiry into the way prime minister Chastanet has handled the current COVID-19 pandemic.

The call came at a virtual meeting of the Vieux Fort South SLP virtual meeting on Tuesday, said Dr Anthony: “I am talking about an inquiry with a well-respected team of experts to review how we handled COVID-19, where the mistakes were made and by whom and hold them responsible,” Anthony explained. “We owe it to the families of those who have died. We owe it to the people of Saint Lucia and we must not be afraid to do the right thing.”

“We have to call for an inquiry into Chastanet’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. What has occurred with COVID-19 must never be allowed to happen again,” he said.

Saint Lucia has recorded 61 COVID-19 related deaths; 4,265 cases diagnosed in the country; 122 active cases as of April 1, 2021. And as of March 31, 2021, a total of 22, 554 individuals have received the first dose of [donated] COVID-19 vaccine.

“In relation to COVID-19, the public is reminded that although the ministry of health notes the flattening of this third wave we still have over 100 active cases in the country. We would like to alert the public, that mass crowd activities and open socialization is not recommended nor approved at this time in our management of the pandemic. We are still at high risk at this point.”

St Lucia: MOH cautions ‘open socialization not approved’

“We ask the public to celebrate the long weekend responsibly. Avoid excessive alcohol consumption, avoid driving under the influence, drive within the speed limits and manage conflict safely especially since we note the increases in violent crime over the last few days. If accessing the beach, do so with caution and monitor young children closely. The Easter weekend is noted for drownings and near-drowning events,” said the MOH, on April 1 – ‘All Fools’ or ‘COVIDIOTS’ Day?

But according to sources: “I pray that this nation will rise again, long before the next generation penalizes us for leaving behind a tormented land, a distorted people, worse off from what we inherited. In this season of Lent, let the sacrifice of body, mind and soul resurrect to take on greater responsibilities, parallel ownership, the profits and enjoyment of our domain, Saint Lucia.”

Meanwhile, the government of Saint Lucia has no interest in permitting Christians to observe the Angels rolling the stones away for the resurrection of the risen Christ – it can be written in our history, that the upcoming general elections in 2021, is the liberation to the successful transition of the land, the people and the light.



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