By Caribbean News Global
At the virtual meeting on the Castries Central Market steps last Sunday, August 23, 2020, leader of the Saint Lucia Labour Party (SLP) Philip J. Pierre, exposed the pretending prime minister and government of Saint Lucia; and presented insights on policy and leadership.
TORONTO, Canada – In furtherance of the formulation that prime minister, Allen Chastanet is Saint Lucia’s great pretender, leader of the Saint Lucia Labour Party (SLP) Philip J. Pierre, examines government priorities.
Pierre referenced one example of “where are you getting the money from” as presented in – Cabot St Lucia ‘fiasco’: Another blow to the country’s patrimony… with the reality of living in Saint Lucia, where 15,000 people directly/indirectly have lost their jobs in the tourism sector and the minister for tourism boasts that 2,000 have returned to work.
“So what are government priorities, outside of their ability to confuse the people, filling potholes or excavating areas that has no potholes, building a road to nowhere and sod turning for assumed projects” Pierre explained, “while the working people who sustain the economy are hungry? They cannot pay their mortgage, they cannot send their children to school,” he added. “Never in my life as a parliamentary representative 1997- 2020 that I have seen so many people who are afraid because school is opening, in September and they cannot send their children to school. And to add insult to injury, the government gave each opposition parliamentary $10,000 to help students in their constituency. It takes at least $500 to send a child to school in Saint Lucia. So, this government is saying that we can only help 20 students,” said Pierre.
Leader of the opposition, Pierre to his virtual audience that “an SLP administration would ensure that there is equity in the distribution of assistance for children to go to school, and would not use political retribution and/or political victimization, because, we believe that even if somebody voted against you, they are Saint Lucians, they have rights and must get the necessary treatment.”
Moreover, he said: “I heard, on a National Youth Council (NYC) program that there are 16,000 children in this country, living in poverty. So, what is the government doing? What is the government priority? What is their centrepiece of economic development?”

Leader of the opposition Pierre, offered insights on policy and leadership stating what an SLP administration would do:
- A government of the SLP would ensure that farmers who lost income due to COVID-19, would use the International Monetary Funds (IMF) funds to support farmers and their families.
- In the creative industry, an SLP government would assist in transferring hobbies into business and skills into entrepreneurship; in contrast to the loan to Cabot St Lucia, from poor people’s fund at the National Insurance Corporation (NIC); and Desert Star Holding (DSH) whereby horses came on an airplane and left on a boat.
- On land policy, an SLP government will ensure that land is available to the young/people of Saint Lucia. We will have innovative financial policies that will cause young people, and the people in the diaspora to own a piece of land in Saint Lucia.
Pierre recalled that, “There has never been so much political interference in the civil service, compared to now. This United Workers Party (UWP) government led by Chastanet is only concern with political power and winning elections. This government is only concerned about making people pay. And from very early, they said to you that you will have to cry. ‘You just start to cry’,” by the infamous Guy Joseph.
- A government of the SLP will ensure that the civil service is run as a professional body serving the people of Saint Lucia and no serving any politician.
- A government of the SLP ensure that the Royal Saint Lucia Police Force (RSLPF) are allowed to do their duty, and not used to harass people who are expressing their democratic right of dissent.
- First responders, operating in the COVID crisis will be given a bonus when we get into government, because of the work they have done for this country.
‘Putting people first’
“The SLP is strong and confident. I always put people first. Our priorities are designed to improve the lives of people,” leader of the opposition Pierre, added. “I want, you to judge me as a humble man, son of a teacher and a policeman; and together with a team of men and women in the SLP, we are ready to contribute to a country, that nurtured me and sent me to school. A country where I understand the people. A country where I still live with the people. A country where the people have taken me into their confidence.
“I am a servant of the people. I claim nothing … I am not a showman. I don’t have to boast. I don’t have to make noise. I don’t have to posture. I am a real man,” said Pierre. “Do you see how I look?”
Related: St Lucia’s PM ‘the great pretender’, says opposition leader Pierre: Part 1