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HomeNewsCaribbean NewsPresident-elect Biden and the great reset of America

President-elect Biden and the great reset of America

By Caribbean News Global fav

WASHINGTON, USA – In the face of unprecedented obstacles, a record number of Americans have spoken with president-elect Joe Biden and vice-president-elect Kamala Harris in a historic 2020 election last Tuesday, following days of counting ballots.

“We have to remember the purpose of our politics isn’t total unrelenting, unending warfare,” Biden said Friday night in Delaware. “No, the purpose of our politics, the work of our nation, isn’t to fan the flames of conflict, but to solve problems, to guarantee justice, to give everybody a fair shot.”

On Saturday, Biden crossed the 270-electoral vote threshold with a win in Pennsylvania, said:

I am honored and humbled by the trust the American people have placed in me and in Vice President-elect Harris. In the face of unprecedented obstacles, a record number of Americans voted. Proving once again, that democracy beats deep in the heart of America.

“With the campaign over, it’s time to put the anger and the harsh rhetoric behind us and come together as a nation. It’s time for America to unite. And to heal. We are the United States of America. And there’s nothing we can’t do, if we do it together.”

Kamala Harris also made history Saturday, bursts through another barrier as the first Black woman to become vice president.

“This election is about so much more than @JoeBiden or me,” vice president-elect Kamala Harris wrote on Twitter. “It’s about the soul of America and our willingness to fight for it. We have a lot of work ahead of us,” she continued. “Let’s get started.”

“Folks, I think that consistent with my column today that a Jamaican vice president is part of the Domino Effect that brings down Trump,” said Anthony Deyal.

From many perspectives, a reset and structural change of America is on the way, even as the final counts continue, in a divided country. Under the current free-fall in foreign relations, it matters what policies and shared priorities will be adopted by the US government concerning China, Russia, Taiwan, the Middle – East, Iran, Latin America and the Caribbean.

Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau on Saturday congratulated Biden; and with concern to tackling “the world’s greatest challenges” said he would work with the United States to “advance peace and inclusion, economic prosperity, and climate action around the world”.

The presidency of Donald Trump and his era is over, albeit the release of a statement Saturday morning, after news broke that Biden reportedly secured the presidency.

The statement reads as follows:

“We all know why Joe Biden is rushing to falsely pose as the winner, and why his media allies are trying so hard to help him: they don’t want the truth to be exposed. The simple fact is this election is far from over. Joe Biden has not been certified as the winner of any states, let alone any of the highly contested states headed for mandatory recounts, or states where our campaign has valid and legitimate legal challenges that could determine the ultimate victor. In Pennsylvania, for example, our legal observers were not permitted meaningful access to watch the counting process. Legal votes decide who is president, not the news media.

“Beginning Monday, our campaign will start prosecuting our case in court to ensure election laws are fully upheld and the rightful winner is seated. The American People are entitled to an honest election: that means counting all legal ballots, and not counting any illegal ballots. This is the only way to ensure the public has full confidence in our election. It remains shocking that the Biden campaign refuses to agree with this basic principle and wants ballots counted even if they are fraudulent, manufactured, or cast by ineligible or deceased voters. Only a party engaged in wrongdoing would unlawfully keep observers out of the count room – and then fight in court to block their access. 

“So what is Biden hiding? I will not rest until the American People have the honest vote count they deserve and that Democracy demands.”

The transition of America has begun, president-elect Biden is planning a prime-time speech in Wilmington, Delaware on Saturday, as his lead over president Donald Trump continues to expand.

The following is a statement from Barack Obama, congratulating president-elect Biden and vice-president-elect Kamala November 7, 2020:

“I could not be prouder to congratulate our next president, Joe Biden, and our next First Lady, Jill Biden.

I also couldn’t be prouder to congratulate Kamala Harris and Doug Emhoff for Kamala’s groundbreaking election as our next vice president.

In this election, under circumstances never experienced, Americans turned out in numbers never seen. And once every vote is counted, president-elect Biden and vice president-elect Harris will have won a historic and decisive victory.

We’re fortunate that Joe’s got what it takes to be president and already carries himself that way. Because when he walks into the White House in January, he’ll face a series of extraordinary challenges no incoming president ever has – a raging pandemic , an unequal economy and justice system, a democracy at risk, and a climate in peril.

I know he’ll do the job with the best interests of every American at heart, whether or not he had their vote. So I encourage every American to give him a chance and lend him your support. The election results at every level show that the country remains deeply and bitterly divided. It will be up to not just Joe and Kamala, but each of us, to do our part – to reach out beyond our comfort zone, to listen to others, to lower the temperature and find some common ground from which to move forward, all of us remembering that we are one nation, under God.

Finally, I want to thank everyone who worked, organized, and volunteered for the Biden campaign, every American who got involved in their own way, and everybody who voted for the first time. Your efforts made a difference. Enjoy this moment. Then stay engaged. I know it can be exhausting. But for this democracy to endure, it requires our active citizenship and sustained focus on the issues – not just in an election season, but all the days in between.

“Our democracy needs all of us more than ever. And Michelle and I look forward to supporting our next president and First Lady however we can.”



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