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HomeNewsCaribbean NewsOAS Member States agree on recommendations to combat transnational organized crime

OAS Member States agree on recommendations to combat transnational organized crime

WASHINGTON, USA – The member states of the Organization of American States (OAS) participated on June 23 and 24 in the III Meeting of National Authorities on Transnational Organized Crime (RANDOTIII), in which they agreed on a series of recommendations to combat transnational organized crime at the hemispheric level.

The approved document recommends 18 actions for member states and seven more for the OAS General Secretariat, among them the following:

  • Adopt a hemispheric strategy against transnational organized crime.
  • Call on the Network of National Contact Points on transnational organized crime, to promote and foster cooperation among member states to implement the Hemispheric Plan of Action against Transnational Organized Crime, through the periodic exchange of information and practices, as needed, and shared access to training and technology solutions to combat transnational organized crime activities.
  • Urge national authorities, points of contact, and law enforcement agencies to collaborate with international allied entities, academic institutions, the private sector, civil society, survivors and other entities to fight transnational organized crime in accordance with the objectives and purposes of the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and its complementary protocols on Trafficking in Persons, Smuggling of Migrants and Illicit Trafficking in Firearms, Parts, Components and Ammunition, as well as the Hemispheric Plan of Action Against Transnational Organized Crime.
  • Request that the Department against Transnational Organized Crime (DDOT) continue to provide specialized training and technical assistance to member states that request it, in areas such as special investigative techniques, parallel financial investigations, joint investigations, and asset forfeiture and management, aimed at developing police capacities to effectively combat transnational organized crime.

The complete document, as well as the rest of the information regarding the meeting, can be found on the event’s website.



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