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HomeOpinionLettersVenezuela’s Hugo Chávez worked to flood US with Cocaine said US prosecutors

Venezuela’s Hugo Chávez worked to flood US with Cocaine said US prosecutors

Dear Sir:

I have said it before, and I will say it again, Peter Binose was a genius and a visionary and could see clearly into the future. He knew about the cocaine conspiracy that Hugo Chavez was mixing Saint Vincent up in. He constantly wrote about it, and the regimes online protectors worked overtime to try and counter what he wrote.

He knew that something was fishy about the Chavez promise to pay for the Cubans to work at the Argyle airport, and then not supposedly paying it. Peter believed the money was actually being paid, $300,000 a month, but to whom?

He believed that the Argyle airport was being built to ship Cocaine to the US. He also said that Chavez was pulling strings in St Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG). To do it in style, he knew a 747 was needed to hide the product on board and to then ship the cocaine. But like the lies of all lies the regime intimated four 747’s a day would be landing and taking off. Only one ever has and that was recently, raising a lot of comments.

Remember when the Venezuelan fast boat docked in Union Island, there was a shoot-out with Vincentian police and customs. A bag of white powder was found in the sea, said to be tied to the anchor, believed to be cocaine, but declared washing powder.

Peter wrote many exposing articles about cocaine involvement in SVG. Being fluent in the Spanish language, he got inside information from one of the Kingstown embassies. He even had Cuban informers, people who wanted out of the Cuban system.

“Forget the tourists there is something much more lucrative afoot. It is whispered that recently cocaine barons have injected US$400 million into a group within the Vincentian government for help with setting up an improved link into the US of South America’s cocaine. There are six areas of concern for South American investors.

  1. For the SVG ruling regime to be kept in power at any cost
  2. The completion of Argyle Airport
  3. The control of the abandoned fishery units at Bequia and Owia
  4. Tight control and implication of the police and coast guard
  5. Control of a working shipyard for the secret alteration of internal structures of vessels
  6. Building of a new shipping container port and facility

But you must read the whole article; you will be amazed. Vinciman attacked the article at the time, so please read the comments also.

Then read all the links Binose posted in that article, which I give you here again.

World Index, St Vincent and the Grenadines: trans-shipment point for South American drugs destined for the US and Europe.

June 29, 2013: American drug dealer jailed for importing cocaine from SVG.

October 31, 2013: Thirteen kilos of cocaine found on a vessel bound for SVG. Authorities in Trinidad and Tobago seized TT$5 million dollars (approx. US$833,000) worth of cocaine aboard a ship bound for St Vincent and the Grenadines and then Europe.

St Vincent and the Grenadines has also become a storage and trans-shipment point for narcotics, mostly cocaine, transferred from Trinidad and Tobago and Venezuela.

Drug smugglers jailed in Britain over £90m cocaine haul. A gang of drug smugglers was jailed for sailing a record £90 million cocaine consignment into Britain from Bequia an island in St Vincent and the Grenadines.

April 17, 2014: CCN TV News; A St Vincent national is in police custody after an estimated 4.5 kilograms of cocaine, with a street value of $2,111,200, was seized yesterday afternoon at the CARICOM Wharf of the port of Port of Spain Trinidad and Tobago.

$2 million cocaine bust on portA St Vincent national is in police custody after an estimated 4.5 kilogrammes of…

Posted by CCN TV6: Trinidad and Tobago on Thursday, April 17, 2014

Peter Binose: Trailing the cocaine route through St Vincent and the Grenadines.

Peter Binose: Mount Coke, or a Mountain of Cocaine, Ask Ralph?

Peter Binose: Government corruption in St Vincent – remembering the Ruben Morgan cocaine smuggling affair.

Ricard Swire: St Vincent’s Airport Mystery

Searchlight Newspaper: Package believed thrown from ‘El Amigo Fay’ contains washing soap. At some point during the firefight, reports are that the package was thrown overboard. When the gun smoke cleared, three of the nine foreigners [Venezuelans] were dead, and one was injured.  [The Venezuelans were armed to the teeth with guns and knives]

Whyte, a customs guard for two decades, was unaccounted for. He was found floating in the sea a few hours after and was declared dead at the Union Island Health Centre.

Package believed thrown from ‘El Amigo Fay’ contains washing soap

The Searchlight Newspaper: The five [remaining] Venezuelan men who were charged with the attempted murder and attempted kidnapping of Corporal Rohan DeShong in Union Island on June 3, left the State on Wednesday evening, hours after their case was discontinued at the Serious Offences Court.

When the men’s matter was called up for hearing shortly after 10 a.m., Chief Magistrate Sonya Young informed them that the matters against them had been discontinued and they were discharged.

Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) Colin Williams said he discontinued the matter after applying the full court test.

After applying the full court test, there’s no reason to detain the Venezuelans. It was determined that the Venezuelans should no longer be detained in custody, the DPP explained.

DPP discontinues matter after ‘applying full court test’ – Venezuelans freed

Patrick Ferrari rightly commented on an IWN story:

“Then, there is Colin Williams. While he was Director of Public Prosecutions, and after the Union Island gunfight that left four people dead, he shamelessly accepted a package that was retrieved from the bottom of the ocean as “soap powder.” And dismissed it as “no evidence” and thought it was merely “curious.” But was cautious not to be legally curious. Never mind that the package was hermetically and professionally wrapped and tied to an anchor for easy retrieval and would cost more than its value to retrieve. If you believe it was soap powder.

Without much further ado, DPP Williams sent the citizens of the country that was a major, major contributor to the Argyle International Airport project back home free because it was “not difficult to bring them back,” it was and is. And getting them back was always going to be above their sovereign pay grade; sovereign as they think/say they are.

[Since, no attempt has ever been made to bring them back, they simply went Scott free. Four dead, the use of firearms, no convictions, no standing charges. Who other than the DPP authorised such action, or non-action? Who? Who? Dr. Who]

Venezuelan president Maduro’s nephews arrested for cocaine [800kg] smuggling to the US. Not just a nephew but Maduro’s adopted son.

So, you must be wondering why I am raising this issue again, well I am doing that because the truth is just being revealed by the US, the US government now knows the truth and are publishing the truth. It’s all about to blow up. How Hugo Chavez planned to swamp the US with cocaine and speed boats were loaded up and sent through the Caribbean, beginning with the Eastern Caribbean. So, Patrick, you are most certainly right about all you wrote about the washing powder episode, even the failure to hold an inquiry.

Wall Street Journal September 15, 2019.

A former senior US official who was shown the documents filed in Spain said it was the first time he had seen American authorities alleging that  Chávez’s sponsorship of drug trafficking constituted a formal strategy to debilitate the US “That said, it makes sense for a regime that has long seen itself in an asymmetric war with us,” said the former official.

The affidavit says that coordination between the guerrillas and the Venezuelan government to traffic cocaine was discussed in meetings with Carvajal that included Diosdado Cabello, a close Chávez ally now considered to be the Maduro regime’s second most powerful man, and Tareck El Aissami, also a current top official. At one meeting, Cabello described sea and land drug trafficking routes through Venezuela, the documents showed. At another, Carvajal said coordination with the “comrades,” meaning the FARC, was going well.

Carvajal and Cabello in 2013 sent off speed boats loaded with what appeared to be cocaine from a beach in western Venezuela, according to another witness in the papers identified as Leamsy Salazar by a person familiar with the investigation. Salazar, then part of Cabello’s security detail, defected to the US in 2015. Read the whole thing.

One thing we can all be sure of is that none of the cocaine conspiracies would have happened without the direct input and OK from Cuba’s Fidel Castro with the help and assistance of some of the other Marxist influenced Caribbean island leaders, under the Cuban spell. It really was a conspiracy by those, and of those, who continually call the US the Empire.

“I can name the Vincentians in government who are involved in the cocaine trade but cannot prove it, they would sue the publishers, and they love to sue those without proof of their wrongdoings.”

You will notice I accuse no one expressed or implied, except the two dead scumbags above, and its good riddance to them both. The world is a far better place without them.

Wake up people the bugle is blaring.

Jolly Green



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