Saturday, February 15, 2025
HomeOpinionCommentarySt Lucia minister to cut the public service: IMF conditions

St Lucia minister to cut the public service: IMF conditions

 By Victor Poyotte

Recent statements by the minister of economic development, Guy Joseph, to the effect that: “If it is one thing that COVID-19 has proved, is that the public service can operate with a lot less staff and still be efficient and productive as when there is a full complement.” Oh no minister, if you had to wait for COVID-19 to discover that the public service is overstaffed then you do not understand the public service.

Tell us the government will have no choice but to follow the prescriptions of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to access the US$29.2 million loan facility. Your statements about hard-working public officers are both disingenuous and insulting. Further to that, COVID-19 has exposed you as the bankrupt government of the Caribbean.

This article is intended to let you know the history of the Saint Lucia public service is replete with examples of public officers, who have devoted their professional careers to reform the public service and made it more productive. However, it is the actions of politicians like you that stand in the way of public service, achieving defined performance goals.

For this discussion, I will focus on four standard criteria used to assess the performance of the public sector to demonstrate that the fault most of the time belongs to the transient political directorate. The performance assessment criteria are as follows:

  • Effectiveness: meaning choosing the right set of public policies to pursue the first time;
  • Efficiency: meaning efforts made to carry out assigned tasks right the first time;
  • Responsiveness: meaning giving prompt attention to the needs of citizens; and
  • Economy: meaning the frugal management of scarce public financial resources.

On the effectiveness criterion: You need to understand that it is unlikely the public service will be productive, when the political directorate itself continues to be ineffective by making the wrong public policy choices, time and time again. We only have to look at the wastage of millions of taxpayers funds on the Desert Star Holdings (DSH) project, which the prime minister himself described as a venture that is not viable.

Secondly, public officers looked on while your government pursued a public policy of facilitating the loan of millions of dollars from pensions funds, (saved by thousands of contributors with the National Insurance Corporation (NIC) to a so-called billionaire investor on a golf project when the global record of failure, of such a project is well-known.

Thirdly, the banking institutions turned down the government’s overtures for cash to fund public service operations, yet the minister expect public officers to allow the government easy access to their savings accumulated over several years in their credit unions. Again, I must point out that when it comes to effectiveness, the public officers and I daresay, a large section of the population has lost confidence in the ability of your government to pursue realistic public policies.

On the efficiency criterion: The minister need to understand that public officers can be efficient, if and only if, the political directorate create the working environment that is conducive to productivity and provide the necessary institutional support required.

But alas, it had to take COVID-19 for the minister and the political directorate to realize that government had been setting the wrong priorities on the use of annual revenue; by duplicating efforts with the outsourcing the budget preparation function to a private sector entity, at an exorbitant cost – bypassing paid staff of the ministry of finance with the expertise and experience to do so. It is the same ministry staff whom the government did not have confidence in during the last three fiscal years, who had to prepare the 2020/2021 estimates of revenue and expenditure. The prime minister showered praise on them in parliament for doing an excellent job. What double standard and wastage?

COVID-19 should have also created the awareness that the government must observe the principle of meritocracy, when it comes to appointments and career mobility within the public service. Creating unnecessary non-established positions in the public service, padding them with political appointees, and catapulting them to the top of the public service hierarchy is not the way to motivate career public officers.

Let me also point out that it is the political directorate who decided that public officers should remain home as part of a strategy to combat the COVID-19 virus. By making uninformed and frankly, insulting statements about public officer(s) is disrespectful of the cadre of highly qualified and experienced professionals the government must rely on to fulfill its political mandate.

On the responsiveness criterion: The average person must reflect on the vexing question of how the country got to where it is today. Just in case the minister needs any reminder, let me proffer a few.

First, the political directorate spent the better part of four years of a five-year mandate gloating at its success at the polls. Second, they used up considerable time chasing interest of private entities and pursuing personal dreams and ambitions instead of paying attention to the cries of the citizenry. Third, the political directorate ignored feedback provided by key stakeholders on large-scale capital-intensive projects, opting instead to shame and embarrass them in public. Fourth, the government dismissed experts who dared to point out short-comings in public policy and requested reconsideration; choosing to act as engineer, architect, and contractor.

On the economy criterion: It is the responsibility of the political directorate to share adequate information on the revenue generated from tax and non-tax sources with citizens. It is equally important for the political directorate to provide citizens with reliable information on the use of funds; so that they can be in a better position to judge the extent to which the government is being frugal in managing the scare public financial resources of this country. Therefore, it is not surprising that the political directorate failed to measure up in areas of transparency and public accountability.

It is indeed revealing that a minister of government had to disclose to the general public that it was necessary to hold a telethon to purchase personnel protective equipment (PPE) for our frontline personnel, in the fight against COVID-19. The rationale provided for the event was false – as one would reason that the purpose of the contingency line item in the 2019/2020 annual estimates is to do exactly that.

Therefore, it is inexcusable for the minister of economic development to pleasure himself on the size of the public service in such a flippant manner; suggests that he is out of his depth with the economic development portfolio assigned to him by the prime minister. Instead of making these conceited statements, it would have been helpful if the minister presented the public with empirical data to support the arguments he advanced.

Further, the economic minister claimed that the public sector trade unions are holding the country to ransom – and their pursue to sink it –  can be described as pure fabrication. As a matter of fact, bargaining agents for public officers – the trade union must act as a watchdog of the public purse. Having noticed that the political directorate is driving us full speed ahead towards a precipice, it is their responsibility to sound the alarm. Therefore, the ranting and ravings of the minister – is essentially laying the basis for the introduction of stringent measures that usually accompany the acceptance of an IMF structural adjustment programme, while the country is reeling under the current economic catastrophe of COVID-19.

Consequently, public administrative reform is not a matter to play political football with and will not be successful if the government takes a knee-jerk reaction to the dictates of the IMF. Reform of such magnitude is a well-planned process that must be guided by experts in the field of public management and requires the participation of all major stakeholders including all public sector trade unions. I draw the attention of the reader to the last major administrative reform effort undertaken in Saint Lucia during the late 1980s that resulted in the comprehensive restructuring and reclassification of the public service.

Need I say more? Public officers beware.

Do not treat the statements made by economic minister Joseph lightly. He is on a mission to cut the public service to satisfy the conditions of the US$29.2 million loan secured by the government from the IMF. All public sector unions need to be vigilant to stop the government from putting a large number of Saint Lucians on the bread-line.

‘Lucians, watch your bread’. To be forewarned is to be forearmed.



  1. I think it would actually be a good time to send a message to all the unproductive or lazy public servants. As the employee you are well within your rights to let some workers go.

    • Yes I agree!!! Those unproductive and lazy public servants you speak of are the same ones POLITICALLY appointed by the idiot politicians who place them there under the “jobs for the boys” portfolios!! I quite agree that we don’t need any of their incompetent a**es on the payroll. And seeing as they are VERY square pegs in round holes who consume MUCH of the government payroll on a monthly basis!!! I scream WITH you “send their a**es packing.” Unless those aren’t the public servants you were referring to? In that case, you stand corrected.

  2. Well written. Factual and enlightening. They should look into the several retirees that have contracts in the public sector. They receive a pension and a salary, while some people can’t get a job. The sh*t has finally hit the fan!

  3. John Antoine you mean employer – don’t you? The public servants I know are not the lazy ones you know. Its easy to repeat the nonsense you hear other people say. The lazy, inept, corrupt, clueless and talent-less politicians people like you keep voting for is the problem. This administration has squandered the country’s meager financial resources on failed projects and shouldn’t use the public service as a scapegoat. Guy Joseph must remember the words of Bob Marley, “burning and a looting tonight” because that’s what its gonna be.

  4. This news outlet is very anti UWP in everything I can assure you this. Which government in the Caribbean that isn’t feeling the pinch to make it seem like its St Lucia. They know very well its a lie while many others from the first month had to borrow to pay. Why on earth are we still having debate about the public service. We all know that the public service don’t perform as well as the private sector. Its too large and several who don’t do the work they should; that’s facts for years that’s well established. All surveys have indicated that, every poll has proven it.

    • Anti UWP or not its facts.. Its easy to say fire them and cut here and so on but what is Gov’t doing about it? In areas such as customer service. Its not just a civil service issue – its cultural. The same issues are also present in the private sector. Note I said Gov’t and not Party. With that said; as far as I am concerned both Parties have failed us in recent years.

  5. The topic had merit. However, the author failed to deliver. Too many political biases and anti government sentiments to make the argument objective. Almost appearing to be part of the problem.(i.e. ineffective public servant)

  6. Your reasoning is so poor. Are the ministers and politicians responsible for workers no answering the phones, no follow-ups , tardiness and no work ethics. The public service by far is the worst work force on island and it hasn’t change no matter which Party in office. So it clearly shows it’s a culture and a cancer that needs to be cut off. Don’t get it twisted. Your writing shows you were also part of the problem.

  7. I don’t understand why we went to the IMF instead of the OECS Central Bank putting together a stimulus package for its members. We all know that the IMF doesn’t give/lend grant anything without conditions.

  8. The problem in the Public Service cannot be resolved by just cutting the size. It is a very complicated structure. People need to check on those who pad the service with all their incompetent friends and family. They go outside of the Public Service Commission and create artificial positions, and pay huge salaries that drain the public purse. The blind keep following the blind and now they want to chop. Take care what they chop.

  9. Virginia Albert… it has been happening for the last 25 years. It is what the voters see as their reward for supporting inept parties. But surely, you would be aware of this😉.

  10. Some of us have become so numb to what is happening and I wonder how and if we will ever get out of this condition. Governments have utilized the mandate given them by the electorate to abuse, bully, intimidate and victimize the very people who handed that mandate. We seem not to pay attention to anything of significance in this island called St. Lucia.

    We lack knowledge of our history whether ancient or modern. Very seldom would we read-up on anything but mind you, the information which present the ideas for us to be equipped to make sound decisions and contributions in discussions such as this comes through reading.

    Sadly we fall short. Therefore, we become void of depth and substance. Consequently, we slander and slaughter each other with daggers of destructive comments. Indeed, there is need for more acceptance of the truth and earnest determination to bring about progress in all facets of this nation. We need to have a level of class which will motivate us too at least know, who we are and what we stand for; so that we as a people cannot be bought and sold by any and everybody.

  11. Kalmajah, sobering comments!Thanks!
    Because, I am a student of interrogating the evidence, I must agree that truth seldom lies in the opposing forces, but in the reconciliation of the two. What we need is a vigorous discourse on the subject under review. We need to factor into the equation ethics, imagination, and creativity, in order to find a healthy equilibrium…balance the equation. Remember, if we torture the evidence it will confess. We must interrogate not torture!

  12. I agree with the Anti UWP but facts are facts. I really think elections will be called very soon and the government have to answer for many decisions like CIP money etc…

    So if St Lucia continues along the lines of Banana and Tourism what is happen with COVID-19 will continue again for something else. Education and health care is critical to having a productive nation. We need a strategic Master Plan for developing Saint Lucia and the people; so that they can have meaningful jobs that make use of their true potential and not just hotel workers or call centre folks.

  13. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand the problems the small islands are all facing balancing their various economies in this pandemic crisis. And as we’re all aware of the huge monthly salaries being disbursed month upon month by economies that can hardly stand on their own, thus being subsidies by the private sectors through the derivation of taxes.

    However, the recent Barbados experience have exposed the neighboring islands to this current dilemma of being cash strapped, and the most appropriate approach to begin is to reduce on your monthly wage payouts. By all accounts these islands will all have to take hid to the IMF advice to balance this deficit.

  14. All I can say to the politicians is STOP SENDING MIXED MESSAGES TO PUBLIC SERVANTS. Mr. Poyotte you have addressed so many important issues in your article which needs to be looked at in depth in this country when it comes to public servants, their performance and politics. It was quite by accident a few weeks ago that I had my radio on and heard this talk show by a gentleman whose name I do not recall at this point.
    You hit the nail on the head when you said ‘… it is the actions of politicians like you that stand in the way of public service, achieving defined performance goal’ in my most humble opinion herein lies the essence of the majority of our problems in the St. Lucia Public Service. Yes, there are workers who will fool around, the same exist in the private sector and the hotel, sector yet some critics of public servants behave as if we are all the worst evil on this earth. I can tell you about numerous of us who stay pass 4:30 p.m., work way into our lunch and grab 20 – 30 minutes of lunch at our desk and get right back to working and still carry work to our homes.
    I heard this particular minister’s call into the program and when he declared the public service can do with less workers. This comment is insensitive, pathetic and ill researched … there is no ground to make such a claim. Sometimes it is better to just keep quiet if you have nothing substantial to contribute. Just when I was beginning to convince myself that maybe as a country, as a public service we can make that sacrifice of our salaries for the 3 months, the minister spoke. But what he speaks and the reality is so vastly different that after listening to this rhetoric I felt disgusted, insulted and angered, so I want my full salary because I work hard and I did not play a hand in where we are today financially as a country. We did not have to be in such a bad state, before the feather even hit the floor during covid.
    Firstly, how many persons were not able to travel to Castries to work where the majority of government offices are located. Those of us who diligently reported for work during Covid-19 shut down did so out of a sense of responsibility and simply saw it as doing our jobs. So do you honestly believe that workers who were present to do the additionally work of 2 or 3 other workers had all smooth sailing. Are you aware that some offices by the very nature of the ministry carry a heavier work load and are more stressful than others.
    When you think that the service can do with less workers, to save money, I assume, before we take jobs from people and release them to become social problems lets see where we can actually save. One, government vehicles are grossly abused. Just this past Saturday there was a maroon pick up carrying a family with a child, a dog and a cooler in the back, I am certain its engine did not run on water. This was just one day and one vehicle which I saw. What about the ones which go to the various schools to drop off the kings and queens who dare not walk the streets, while their parents still collect travel allowance on their salaries, I suppose those times the vehicles run on water too. I suggest we save those travel allowances and just let the ministries drivers take all children to school.
    Lazy public servants some would say. The questions is who sent them to the various offices, where did they came from? In many agencies heads of departments are uninvolved as to who comes into their departments whether they can do the work or not and whether or not they are qualified to do so. When it comes to calling these people up on their behaviors it’s the hardest thing because its always the minister’s boy or the minister’s girl. We have hard working, qualified public servants who never seem to get a break while some others catapault to high positions because of their various affiliations with minsters of government. There are instances when the politicians will throw temper tantrums because the Public Service and the Public Service Commision was trying to do their job by informing Ministers that their “person” did not have the qualifications for the job and must jump 4 grades to reach a Chief Officer position at Grade 18, but they encountered resistance. In such instances it would be insisted that its their “person” or no one else, well, until they get their person it was one of the lazy no elses doing the job meantime. Are we to believe there was no one else in the entire public to have filled that position. Too many times politicians want to force the hands of those agencies and then a few years later blame them for not disciplining officers. The nepotism is so blatant it reeks, how is it right when someone acquired all their professional training and experience seeing mental patients is thrust into the nation’s Licensing Department as a senior officer, so of course we public servants will be lazy and dare I say you should add inefficient too. I am sure the minister who believes that the public service is full of lazy people is aware of such. The same Public Service Commission which has been chastised for not disciplining those who are receiving salaries on suspension is the same one who is pressures to place people in positions in which they do not qualify for.  
    We have alot wrong with our public service. But the change will only come when politicians are no longer the biggest hypocrites and stop interfering in areas they ought not to. The one who speaks the loudest is the one who wants to interfere with every single government ministry’s positions, stop interfering. I want my money – all of it.


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