Dear Sir:
There has been some talk from the usual suspects, that I am going to be arrested. What for though, is anyone’s guess.
First, it was to do with my vehicle which the United Worker Party (UWP) claimed is owned by the government of Saint Lucia. More recently, it is for questioning over comments I made in Dominica [ during the general elections] which Nancy Charles contends are treasonous.
Worst among the usual suspects calling on me to account is the notorious Guy Joseph who took to Rick Wayne’s programme where he said he is looking forward to my explanations for my widespread corruption. They say misery loves company, never before has that saying rang so true. A man who is at the centre of a United States court motion in the Assenza investigations over corruption in the award of a contract for the Hewannorra Airport Redevelopment (HIA).
In a recent Facebook conversation, Nancy Charles invited someone [on FB] to visit her, where she [Nancy] would present the individual with what [she alleges] is evidence she has against me. As ridiculous as this entire witch-hunt is, I can’t find it funny, considering the people peddling the mischief are at the highest levels of influence in our government.
Is Nancy Charles a police officer? How come she can be in possession of so-called evidence which will lead to my arrest?
Is this the same evidence linked to the investigation where the police wanted to interview someone and indicated that the interview was to take place at the prime minister’s official residence? Wow! If this is not a politically motivated ambush, I don’t know what is.

Nancy Charles and Guy Joseph are notorious for many things, virtue not being one of them.
A reputation can be tenuous and that is why in both my public and private life I have endeavoured to maintain honesty and my integrity. In all of the careers that I have had no one can point a finger at me for anything corrupt or criminal. I have lived a life that I am proud of.
I say to Nancy Charles and Guy Joseph, don’t judge me by your standards.
Having said that, I wish to put into perspective the comments which I made in Dominica and Nancy’s reaction. It seems it was okay for [ Nancy] Charles to have made comments at a political event in St Vincent where she told countless untruths about her government’s use of Citizen by Investment (CIP) funds. However, my comments on a political platform in Dominica, are construed by the very same [Nancy] Charles as treasonous. Really?
The United Workers Party’s attempt at deflection from their corruption of every institution of social and economic life in Saint Lucia is now in overdrive.
Nothing I said in Dominica, was unfair or untruthful.
The government has a lot to answer for and shifting the focus away from them is a tragedy, if as a people and the opposition St Lucia Labour Party (SLP) we allow them to.
As to the ‘things which took place in Dominica which were planned in Saint Lucia’ which has so offended the UWPEES, maybe [Nancy] Charles should tell whether Lennox Linton ever visited Saint Lucia over the last two months? Whom did he meet with? What was discussed? That should be the starting point of any investigation.
As for what is within my charge, I seek the protection of God against those who bear false witness against me and as a matter of detail remind them that it is an indictable offense punishable by five years’ imprisonment for anyone who makes a false report to the police which results in the arrest of any person.
I am well aware of the forces at play, and I am fortified in truth and in the knowledge that this too shall pass.
Ernest Hilaire
First Deputy Political Leader, Saint Lucia Labour Party (SLP)