By Caribbean News Global
FRANCE / AUSTRALIA – On Saturday, May 15, the Council of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) composed of ambassadors representing the 37 Member Countries, took the formal decision to appoint Mathias Cormann of Australia to become the sixth Secretary-General of the Organisation, for a 5-year term beginning on June 1, 2021.
Cormann will become the first secretary-general to emerge from the Asia Pacific region.
“Member countries took this decision following the conclusion of the seven-month selection process led by the Dean of the Council, and chair of the selection committee, ambassador Christopher Sharrock of the United Kingdom, that began in August 2020,” the organisation said. “In the final report to his fellow ambassadors issued last Friday, the Dean informed them that he had been able to identify Cormann as the candidate with most support.”
Cormann will take up his duties on June 1, the day after secretary-general Angel Gurria’s final term concludes 15 years at the helm of the Organisation. This will coincide with the first of two sessions of the Annual OECD Ministerial Council Meeting to be held on May 31 – 1 June.
Related Links:
Vision Statement of the SG-Select
The OECD’s 60-year History