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HomeInsightsCampaigns & ElectionsHow the US wants to install another government: Haitians disagreed

How the US wants to install another government: Haitians disagreed

By Gerlin Olin

Let’s not forget how the Haitians ancestors fought for freedom years ago in order to get Haiti and Haitians/Africans the respect they deserve. Unfortunately, the current Haitian government has ruined ‘The Haitian Revolution’ purpose and goals.

Haiti used to be powerful and proud but since when the United States keep adding their own presidents and prime ministers in power, Haiti has lost its value in the eyes of all nations. Years ago, before and after the Haitian Revolution, the leaders in power were selected by the Haitian population, but that system was changed.

Let’s not forget that Haitians are the first black nation that won a successful anti-slavery and anti-colonial insurrection.

During the year 2018, US Citizens, even Donald Trump, and all the US media were not ashamed to call Haiti a ‘sh*thole country’ after all, even when Haiti is part of America and the United Nations. Honestly, US citizens and the US media wouldn’t dare to call Haiti names if Haitian revolution leaders like Toussaint Louverture, Jean-Jacques Dessalines, and the others were still alive because they would declare war immediately for the disrespect.

Sadly, the Haitian population was surprised to see how the current Haitian government was quiet when the US called Haiti a ‘sh*thole country’. “Shame on the US and America for disrespecting my country and my Ancestors,” said Werley Nortreus.

Let’s not forget that Haiti and Haitians are the first black nation that won a successful anti-slavery and anti-colonial insurrection. Because of that, the people in Haiti believe that the US along with some countries like France and other puppets that the US put in power are responsible for all the misery and poverty that’s going on in Haiti.

Let’s not forget that the countries in America are well-developed and rich in industries but how come Haiti never prospered, even when Haiti is part of America and the United Nations.

It looks like the eyes of the Haitian population are open now because millions of protesters along with other political leaders have been taken to the streets and demanded justice and a new system in Haiti. From 2016 until now, even the Youth in Haiti have taken to the streets to demand a new government led by their own, because the majority of installed presidents and prime ministers by the US have failed them.

The youth in Haiti along with other political leaders believe that Haitians should elect their own presidents or prime ministers in order to lead the country in the right direction. For years, some countries in America and Europe claimed to be the ones to choose who should be in power in Haiti. But it looks like the eyes of the Haitian population are open now because all the protests and chaos have strong messages dedicated to those countries who think they should be the ones in charge of who should be in power in Haiti.

According to investigations, the 2010 Haiti earthquake was really bad. Billions of dollars were raised for the earthquake victims, but unfortunately, all the money went missing and the Haitian government refused to talk about this. From 2010 to 2020, ten years after the earthquake, Haiti is still the same because people are still living in poverty and there’s nothing great going on.

Reports from some Haitians leaders and political actors like Human Rights Lawyer, André Michel; and Senators like Youri Latortue (AAA – Artibonite), Nenel Cassy (Fanmi Lavalas – Nippes), Moise Jean-Charles (Pitit Dessalines), Werley Nortreus, and others, I had the chance to talk to one of them about why Haiti never prosper and what is the thinking about the situation of Haiti.

Nortreus said: “Tout moun ki nan opozisyon an ak tout moun ki deside riske vi yo pou Ayiti se frè ak sè, epi mwen kwè ke nap genyen batay la nan tèt ansam, epi zansèt nou yo pap regrèt yo te mouri pou diyite nou.”

“Haitians are being punished for being the first black nation that helped and taught many countries how to get their freedom. Through the years, Haiti is being punished for the liberation of many slaves around the world. Unfortunately, that’s why the US doesn’t want Haiti to prosper”, said Nortreus, founder and leader of Vanyan Sòlda Ayiti and A New Haiti Before 2045 (ANHB 2045).

From reports, the political actors and the opposition leaders in Haiti believe that the current Haitian government led by president ‘Jovenel Moise’ and his PHTK friends are against Haiti. From 2017 until today, the US government sent diplomats like Michele Sison, Kelly Craft, David Hale, and others to sit down with current president ‘Jovenel Moise’ and other political actors in order to have a new government, but all the leaders rejected the meeting, except ‘Jovenel Moise’ and PHTK.

From 2016 until today, millions of people in Haiti have taken the streets to demand a new government led by their own because the majority of presidents and prime ministers who used to be in power have failed them. All the protests and chaos in Haiti mean that the population in Haiti doesn’t want a new government established by the US or anyone else – but by themselves.

It looks like the opposition leaders, the Haitian population, all the political parties, and other political leaders in Haiti will not allow the US to install another government in Haiti after years of failures, and that’s why they are asking Moise and PHTK to resign so the Haitian population can elect a leader from the opposition or from the youth generation. Hopefully, Haitians across Haiti and across the world are expected a new government installed by the Haitian population in 2020.

During the January 22 meeting, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo shared the United States’ position with Haitian Chancellor Edmond Bocchit in Jamaica. Haiti based station, Radio Metropole reported that Pompeo stated to the Miami Herald “An electoral calendar must be drawn up and a date set for the next elections.

“We need to have the elections. That is important,” Pompeo said in an interview with the Miami Herald and El Nuevo Herald. “Once those elections will be held, there’ll be a duly elected government. We won’t have to be concerned about ruling by decree.”

Pompeo did not specify which elections he was referring to, but Haiti failed to hold scheduled legislative elections last year. From Bon Déjeuner Radio’s reports, the opposition leaders and other political leaders in Haiti rejected Pompeo’s elections requests because no one in Haiti wants a government by Moise, PHTK, and the US in 2020.



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