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Emailgate Part Two: On the Eve of an election, desperate Rowley strikes again


Dear Sir:

From the producers of emailgate comes a last-ditch, desperate attempt to fool the electorate in 2020 with a sequel. This is prime minister Dr Keith Rowley’s “mission impossible”; he knows that he cannot win fair and square. So, the actors and producers are fast at work because Balisier house has fallen.

Citizens are fed up with Dr Rowley’s lies, make-believe, pity party, and blame game. That is how they got into government in 2015, they are an illegitimate government holding on by their fingernails, hoping the same strategy to hoodwink the population will work again.

A house built on lies will collapse and that is what we are seeing today. David Rudder once sang a “Mad man’s rant”, but he also warned us in calypso that “this is not a fete in here this is madness”. It is said: who the gods first wish to destroy they first send mad.

What Dr Rowley has not accused the United National Congress (UNC) of he has forgotten or is yet to makeup; they are in a panic mode they will throw the entire kitchen sink of lies because they believe that is the only way that they can win.

They will not speak about job creation, instead, they will focus on lies about emails and murder. They will not speak about the thousands that have been killed under their watch instead they will tell you that they needed special branch protection. Who protected the thousands who died under Stuart and Dr Rowley?

I have no intention of falling for these distractions and distortions who wants to go and watch mission impossible Dr Rowley style good luck with that. I will be focused on getting Trinidad and Tobago working again. I wish to wholly condemn the latest round of wild scandalous allegations of an assassination plot made by prime minister Rowley on his political platform on Friday, October 18, 2019.

I told you in my budget response that everything was “coming soon” like a movie, I never expected they would reveal the plot on a platform. A real Balisier House production. These allegations are baseless and are being made for the purpose of fearmongering and scoring cheap political points.

Dr Rowley, who is clearly desperate, is fully aware that he and his party have failed to govern and will be defeated in the upcoming December 2 local government elections.  The people of Trinidad and Tobago are keenly aware of his failure as prime minister, and the effects that this has had on their lives. A cornered animal is dangerous, and the People’s National Movement (PNM) is now resorting to baseless attacks as they know their backs are against the wall.

The latest talk of assassination plots bears the hallmark of Dr Rowley’s wild, irresponsible, ranting and dangerous style of politicking, which has long been his trademark. It is a return to his emailgate style of politics, make wild accusations with no evidence and hope that something sticks.

In the past, when he served as a mere mouthpiece for the PNM, he was easily dismissed as attention-seeking by the population.

Now, however, as prime minister, he has become a clear and present danger to the citizens of Trinidad and Tobago with his continued employment of such a disgusting pattern of willfully using misinformation and outright falsehoods for the purposes of saving his dying political career.

The fact remains that this is the first time Dr Rowley has mentioned these alleged plots, even though he has been through several national elections since they were allegedly made in 2015.

The question on the lips of people, now, therefore, is simply—why now?

The answer is obvious, it is simply a desperate attempt on his part to gain public sympathy and demonize and criminalise the opposition UNC in the face of his completely non-existent political credibility, after having absolutely nothing to show for his four years in government in the way of improving the lives of the citizens of this country.

The prime minister ran from his own budget debate. They refused to account to the people or offer any plans to deal with the issues affecting people.

Trinidad and Tobago government ministers hastily end 2019-2020 budget debate

I want to say here today – our hands are clean, and our hearts are pure. This is their modus operandi. Blame the opposition for their own failures. But I will not let that happen.

Under Dr Rowley’s regime this country had endured one of the worst, government-created economic recessions and an unparalleled crime wave, which has caused our citizens to live in daily fear of their lives and livelihoods.

As he, therefore, heads into an election with the well-known reputation of being this country’s worst, most dangerous prime minister, who has destroyed every fabric of our economy and social stability with his cruel, punitive and corrupt national policies, Dr Rowley now seeks to distract public attention from his tragic and frightening track record of unabashed incompetence with these wild, outrageous and misleading allegations.

The prime minister ran from his own budget debate after serious allegations surfaced in the public domain. These allegations are worthy of investigation.

Four years of talk, four years of accusations, four years of lies.

They ran a campaign based on lies in 2015 and they believe it will help them again this time. But the population has seen what happens when those who only care about power and not people hold office. This is not the country we left them in 2015, this is the worst version of Trinidad and Tobago that we can imagine.

But the new UNC government, which I will lead, is ready to do the work to restore and transform our beloved country. We have already laid out our national economic transformation plan, we will present our plans in all sectors and I urge the population to let us focus in this election season on plans to take our country forward.

Let us focus on those who seek to build and not those who only seek to destroy.   It is clear that Dr Rowley, is prepared to “mash up” this country before he relinquishes power. The UNC will not stand for that.

We will continue to fight for citizens, and we will continue to work to make their lives better.

Kamla Persad Bissessar, MP, SC

Political Leader of the United National Congress (UNC)




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