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HomeInsightsCampaigns & ElectionsElectoral reform: The great conspiracy in Dominica’s general election

Electoral reform: The great conspiracy in Dominica’s general election

By Caribbean News Global fav

ROSEAU, Dominica – The opposition United Workers Party (UWP) leader Lennox Linton, has been demanding electoral reform before general elections on December 6, is seemingly supported by “conservative sectors, their operations in nearby Caribbean islands, the UWP – Al Jazeera’s coalition that backfired and exposed Linton’s pursuit of campaign financing is cognisant of the great conspiracy in Dominica’s general election, that suggested “the results may not be business as usual”.

Chairman of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) Antigua and Barbuda’s prime minister, Gaston Browne, has questioned the feasibility of implementing electoral reform just a few weeks before general elections and that; the issue of electoral reform in Dominica is for the internal political parties to resolve.

“There’s no constitutional crisis in Dominica. Yes, there’s an issue in which the opposition is calling for electoral reform but how practical it is to have electoral reform before December 6, and as far as I am concerned that is not a practicable request. Again, I am not interfering in the affairs, but I have to be very pragmatic about these things. Elections are due and let the better party win. Whichever individual emerges I will embrace,” he said.

Browne’s recent statement followed a call for calm resulting from November 18, the eve of Nomination Day, unsuccessful attempts at civil unrest instigated in Roseau, near the official residence of the president of Dominica.

Notable, such actions raise the flag on economic stability and security. It creates confusion, fear, and chaos aimed at delegitimizing in advance, the validity of the election results.

Prime minister of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Ralph Gonsalves, has also commented that the Organization of American States (OAS) and its secretary-general Luis Almagro “are enemies of the democratic and progressive forces of our continent.”

The UWP actions and that of affiliated groups, seem to follow a sequence very similar to the strategy used in Bolivia that culminated in performing a coup d’etat on behalf of “democracy.”

“If they believe the elections are held unconstitutionally, they can go to court,” Gonsalves stated, relying on his legal knowledge, that they will not possibly be taken seriously because “these elections are conducted properly.”

Sir Ronald Sanders, ambassador of Antigua and Barbuda to the United States and the Organisation of American States, in his weekly commentary, outlined double standards in the OAS.

“Double standards have become the new system in the (OAS). This unwholesome development does not portend well for the future of the Organization which is increasingly becoming a rubber stamp for the will of a few governments. It also creates a huge cloud over the bilateral relations of nations within the hemisphere.”

Anthony Astaphan’s booklet on the issue of electoral reform and proposed bills including a paper in reply to the NGO’s position – eludes the nomenclature of supposed astute minds.

“There are zero references to his documentation and information by the mission [Joint CARICOM-Commonwealth and OAS Special Mission]. Instead, the mission came forward with a compromise position which could never lead to the cleansing of the electoral list which is what everybody wanted in the first place.

“So for cheap political reasons, the partisan NGO’s infiltrated by members of the UWP, now want the government to implement a process that would not lead to electoral reform, and if guided blindly, would keep the register in substantially the same position, especially as it concerns voters from the diaspora – voters who could not be located by the registration/verification process suggested.

“Therefore, the attorney general rightly, absolute and accurately, indicated that it made no sense legally, electorally, financially, prudently; and neither was in the public interest to implement recommendations that will not lead to the cleansing of the list.”

Prime minister Skerrit has accused the OAS of attempting to add another overseas-funded coup to its tally sheet, took the OAS secretary-general to task for “leading a campaign” of incitement against the Dominica Labour Party, (DLP).

Noteworthy, the OAS has made interference statements against Venezuela, Cuba, and Bolivia, which appear to be a replica of Washington’s standard discourse against leftist governments.

“The OAS is targeting certain member states. Dominica is one such country that they’re targeting, and my government is one such government that they are targeting. So, it is not about free and fair elections — it is not about the electoral process. They (OAS) have waited for this opportunity to implement this strategy, so, it is something that has been in the making for three or four years,” Skerrit stated.

The primary factor establishing the “OAS’ crusade to delegitimize Dominica,” seems “punishment” for consistently voting against non-interference in the region, and more succinctly, against OAS resolutions on Venezuela.

In 2017, Dominica was among three CARICOM member states that voted against a failed United States-backed resolution on Venezuela at the OAS General Assembly in Mexico, and in 2018, Dominica was among four OAS member countries that voted against a resolution to suspend Venezuela from the 34-member group.

‘’We are having general elections in our country on December 6, and there are attempts to derail or prevent this from happening. The secretary-general of the OAS is supposed to be an independent person; an apolitical person…but it is clear by his actions, his utterances, and his statements that he has a bias in [sic] Dominica – and that bias is against my government,’’ Skerrit said.

Prime minister Skerrit has suggested that the secretary-general of the OAS “should be fired, implying that the OAS has lost its way”. He articulated that, “the OAS mantra about free and fair elections has become a formal justification for undercutting democracy and toppling non-conforming governments to make way for US-backed political parties.”

Guided by experience, multilateral institutions have reiterated support for the government led by prime minister Skerrit, against a campaign of ignorance, deception, and hypocrisy. “Dominica’s people will decide who their leader will be. Despite lies, foreign intervention and destabilization discourse, elections will be free and fair,” Skerrit said. ​​​​​​​



  1. Skerrit should not be allowed to stand for elections until the matter of diplomatic passports for sale is cleared up. The Police should uphold the fact that no one is above the law and take Mr Skerrit in for official questioning.


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