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HomeCBI ProgramsCaribbeanDominica’s new international airport funded by CBI programme

Dominica’s new international airport funded by CBI programme

By Caribbean News Global fav

LONDON, England – The government of Dominica plans to build a new international airport in Dominica announces that it has raised sufficient funds to start implementing the much-anticipated project, largely from saving millions, every month from the Citizenship by Investment (CBI) programme to put Dominica on the global map as an upmarket ecotourist destination.

Earlier this year, prime minister Roosevelt Skerrit announced that there were multiple proposals and firms from China, India, Dubai, including two multilateral agencies and independent developers in Europe and the Americas, ready to construct the international airport, and a decision was expected this year.

“I want the best for Dominica … we can expect a firm decision this year [2019] on the construction of the international airport in Dominica,” Skerrit said. “The international airport will be located in the Wesley constituency, a product that we can be proud of and an airport that we can afford to maintain in pristine condition, and which would benefit frequent regular international airline use,” he said.

Dominica’s innovative ways to establish economic independence, establishing its world-leading CBI programme in 1993 continues to fund several luxury hotels and resorts, housing programs, becoming the world’s first climate-resilient nation and the vision of Roseau 2025 has received worldwide acclamation.

The CBI programme has transformed Dominica remarkably, especially in recent years, mitigating the damage caused by Erika in 2015 and Maria in 2017.

Dominicans’ resilience and inspiring leadership have attracted reputable foreign investors across the world through the CBI programme that “offers citizenship to wealthy foreign families, in return for investment into local projects, vital to Dominica’s economy and society.”

“Throughout Dominica, new projects are coming on stream, the only missing link for the country now is the international airport, with the hotels under construction and opening, with a resurgence in agriculture, agriculture expansion, with our programme to construct a new cruise village and a new port, improvement in our infrastructure [and] health facilities,” prime minister Skerrit explained.

Dominica has transformed at an extraordinary pace thanks to Dominican’s resilient nature, and, importantly, building back better.

“Every bridge that we have fixed, every home that we have assisted, every school we have fixed, funds came from the government of Dominica utilising the CBI programme,” noted the prime minister.

Dominica has a solid reputation among high net worth investors and reputable developers, with the best track record in the Caribbean and the international reputation to ‘navigate your future with the experts.

The government of Dominica is navigating a sustainable economic future for the people of Dominica to reach their full potential and the cornerstone of this – is the CBI programme.

Sam Bayat of Bayat Group, a boutique law firm specializing in business immigration, economic citizenship, and corporate immigration for over 25 years, often emphasise the necessity to  “safeguard and not tamper with the credibility of the CBI programme, lest it becomes collateral damage to the people of Dominica. A situation that would be unwise, in view of the development and advancement of Dominica, following Erika in 2015 and Maria in 2017.”

“The CBI programme has a significant impact on the economic growth and lives of the people of Dominica; and to simply ignore the amalgam of choices and outcomes evident for all to see – new housing, infrastructure development, [ roads, bridges, seaport terminal, schools, improvement in health care ] the luxurious Kempinski hotel that has ‘help established at least 40 local enterprises’ and help building a vibrant tourism industry – contrast what Dominica looks like today, without the CBI programme,” Bayat explained.

“The construction of Dominica’s new international airport is another excellent display of the CBI programme success, and the government of Dominica focus on specific projects of national interest”, said Bayat.

The CBI programme offers Dominica the balance to build a sustainable economy, establishing new entrepreneurship creating jobs and business opportunities, and provide for the long-term development of Dominica.

Dominica, ‘Nature Isle of the Caribbean,’ is well placed and very specific about the importance of its development to protect the environment, while creating a unique ecotourism sector that brings in upper-income tourists while building on its visitor arrivals with the construction of the new airport.

Construction of the international airport, Skerrit said, will not make any demands on taxpayers and like Housing Dominica financing model that benefits all Dominicans, ‘I do not intend on imposing any new taxes on Dominicans in the short, medium and/or long-term,’ Skerrit pronounced.



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