WASHINGTON, USA – On June 25, the Dean of the Corps of Ambassadors at the Organization of American States, Sir Ronald Sanders, published an Op-Ed which he asserted that several nations, in the Western Hemisphere, committed what he described as a “foolish wrong”.
Sanders said that the “wrong” was not only the anointment of Juan Guaidó as the “Interim President” of Venezuela on January 23, 2019, but also the subsequent “imposition of this fallacy” on organizations, such as the Organization of American States (OAS) and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).
He argued that “the wrong was foolish because it was conceived and imposed to suit narrow national political objectives; it was not grounded in international law or practice, nor was there any wide agreement on it. Therefore, it was never sustainable.”
Sanders, who is also Antigua and Barbuda’s ambassador to the US and the OAS, has now circulated a paper to all the member states of the OAS, providing a chronology, and supporting material, of the events surrounding the seating of Guaidó’s designee of as Venezuela’s representative.
The paper calls for action to be taken to reverse this decision which was “wrong in international law and violated the rules of the OAS”. The paper argues that the consequences of this wrongful action have affected the financial standing and decision-making of the OAS and its violation of principles must be corrected.
The full paper has now been released publicly for the attention of scholars, historians, journalists and the general public. It is attached to this media notice.