Home Opinion Commentary China: Reopening, rebound, and challenges

China: Reopening, rebound, and challenges


IMF Podcasts

WASHINGTON, USA – China’s severe covid lockdowns since the start of the pandemic undoubtedly contributed to an economic downturn last year not seen in decades.

And while China has lifted the containment measures and is reopening, the factors behind that slowdown, like its ailing property sector, low productivity growth and the lingering COVID threat, could weigh on its economic performance this year if left unaddressed. In this podcast, IMF economists Sonali Jain-Chandra and Thomas Helbling walk us through China’s latest economic review, a deep analysis of China’s economy that includes outlooks, risk assessments, and policy recommendations.

Sonali Jain-Chandra is head of the China team, and Thomas Helbling a deputy director, both in the Asia Pacific Department.

Listen to the podcast. Bruce Edwards, Producer, IMF Podcasts.



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