Thursday, March 13, 2025
HomeOpinionLettersUniversal vaccine mandate is needed now

Universal vaccine mandate is needed now

Dear Sir

Have you heard about the unvaxxed tax that Quebec may be slapping its unvaccinated citizens with? I believe all citizens that have the opportunity to be vaccinated should do so immediately if not for their own health and safety, their family, neighbour’s and communities.

Most provinces have allowed their citizens the choice to be vaccinated, the ability to think about it, consider it and then act upon those thoughts. Quebec’s premier, premier Ford, other premiers and even the prime minister of Canada has not ordered citizens to get their vaccination.

No politician in Canada has had the courage and conviction necessary to push for and pass legislation that would force all of us to be vaccinated. Yet, they continue to try and find ways to influence their citizens to get vaccinated. Governments have spent many millions of dollars in promotion and propaganda to influence and persuade Canadians that vaccination is a good idea.

The move by Quebec will be a horrible mistake, an unconstitutional move for sure, and a move that will not unite Quebecois but rip them apart as a nation. Mass protests by both non-maskers and people concerned about their civil rights will happen shortly. A tax on the unvaccinated is ridiculous and cowardly.

Politicians, please listen. Show that you have the courage to order an emergency that would require all citizens to get vaccinated. That is it. Do you want to look equitable, fair and doing something positive? Then, bring about legislation immediately so all citizens will be required to be vaccinated. It is a moral civil imperative.

I do not blame the unvaccinated. I find blame with our elected leaders who think only about themselves and their future employment. Anger the electorate and possibly not get re-elected right? This shows us all why you got into politics. Not for the right ideals, to serve and care for our communities but to build your careers and bank accounts. Kindly, have the courage of your convictions and show us what you are made of Asap.

The leaders of Quebec need to stop using their constitutional avenues like a water tap, on and off, at a whim. That is what they will have to do. And prime minister Trudeau, please stop this madness and bring about legislation for immediate and full vaccinations. Courage, please!

Steven Kaszab

Bradford, Ontario



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