TAIPEI, Taiwan, (Taiwan News) — A new equivalence arrangement deal will allow organic products certified in Taiwan or the US to be sold as organic in either market.
Signed and exchanged by the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States (TECRO) and the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) on Thursday, June 4, the agreement took effect retroactively from May 30.
The arrangement aims to streamline trade in certified organic goods between Taiwan and the US by exempting separate organic certification required by Taiwanese and US authorities. The agreement “avoids a double set of fees, inspections, and paperwork,” according to an AIT statement released on Friday.
It “provides new market access opportunities for organic livestock and other products” to American farmers, the AIT said. The arrangement also allows US-based organic food processors to source certified organic ingredients from Taiwan, thereby increasing the range of organic products available to consumers.
A working group was formed following the signing of the agreement to handle issues during the implementation of the arrangement. Taiwan previously signed a similar agreement with Japan in 2019 to boost the bilateral trade of organic goods.