Dear Sir/Madam
Greetings in the precious name of Jesus Christ!
The Barbados Flame Gospel Awards committee will be broadcasting the International edition of its show on Saturday, September 25, 2021 at 8:00 pm EST where the winners of the awards will be formally announced. The cost of the Pay-Per-View is US $25.00 and US $20.00 in advance.
Part proceeds from this effort will be donated to the St. Vincent Volcano Disaster Relief Fund. As a result, we are kindly asking you to highlight the humanitarian nature of this event for us in your various programmes. Should you so desire, we can provide a promo if you are interested in being a part of this “our brother’s keeper’s project”.
Also, for the first time, we are inviting everyone to be part of the voting process in order to decide this year’s winners at our website: To this end, we are kindly asking you to share this information (by way of fliers) with your friends, listeners and supporters all over the world.
On this occasion, we have broadened our scope to include music ministers from the Caribbean, The United Kingdom, USA and Africa. As a result of the names who will be appearing on the show, we have every confidence that this production will be viewed by over 50 million persons worldwide. It means that our artistes, who have sacrificed immensely in producing music throughout this pandemic, will benefit from exposure in many foreign countries.
If your station has connections with a TV Network, we would appreciate if you can connect us to them as well at the earliest possible opportunity.
Finally, we would be grateful if you can announce the nominees and winners at appropriate times on your station(s), playing some of the nominated music during the process.
We thank you in anticipation of your kind cooperation and earnestly look forward to your soon response.
Yours in Christian Service.
Esther Scott
Admin Secretary