The following is a statement from Peter Lansiquot, a citizen of Saint Lucia and a potential candidate for the Saint Lucia Labour Party (SLP) for Castries Central;
The government of the United Workers Party (UWP) under the mismanagement of prime minister Allen Chastanet, is showing more clearly every single day that it has reached rock bottom in its sorry mismanagement of the political, social and economic development affairs of our country, Saint Lucia.
The history of failed states, failed governments and dictatorships of the ruling classes over the poor and struggling workers in countries all over the world, has shown that one of the most sordid manifestations of governments failure is the tendency by the ruling political parties and the ruling elites to paint public buildings belonging to the country’s taxpayers in political party colours.
This indecent and corrupt government, the worst by far in the entire political history of Saint Lucia, has been cynically painting many public buildings and public spaces and amenities in yellow.

They cynically try to justify such incompetent and unethical behaviour by stating that they are painting these public infrastructural amenities in the national colours, as depicted in the colours of the national flag: yellow, black, blue and white.
This sorry excuse shows the level of disrespect that the Chastanet-led government has for the people of Saint Lucia, whether rich or poor, whose lands and patrimony they are busily giving away to foreigners, in return for deals under the table for “corrupt officials”. It is an abuse of the people and the taxpayers’ taxes to behave in such a manner, actively destroying the resources and the patrimony of our country.
And speaking of disrespect for the people of Saint Lucia, the prime minister is now not only satisfied with referring to us, Saint Lucians who were born and bred here (not in Canada – in reference to the prime minister saying he is a product of Canada), on this soil, as “barking dogs,” “beggars,” “jackasses,” and publicly endorsing that we are “niggas,” he has now decided to go even further, adding insult to injury, by painting public buildings in the colour of his Party, YELLOW.

Public buildings are the property of the taxpayers, not Chastanet or Guy Joseph. Saint Lucians must follow the example of Comrade Cass Elias, in Micoud, and say: “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.” We must no longer sit idly by and accept such disrespect from the likes of the prime minister and his chief lieutenants, Joseph and Stephenson King.
In the study of political science, there are many reasons for painting buildings in political party colours, and they are all based in a deep, insidious and incestuous culture of political, financial and economic mismanagement, otherwise called BOBOL.
The main reason for the painting of the CDC buildings and other public infrastructure in the UWP Party colour, YELLOW, is to work on the minds and the psychologies of the people of Saint Lucia, so that they will see the ‘Flambeau Party’ as the Party that is taking care of the buildings and other infrastructural amenities in Saint Lucia. This is disrespectful, deceitful, immoral and unethical because it is taxpayers money that takes care of public amenities, not any damned political Party.
In the future Saint Lucia that decent and honest Saint Lucians will be building, we must not only establish by law a fixed date for elections, as for example in the United States of America; we must also pass laws that will not allow any political party to paint public buildings and amenities in political party colours. We must stop insulting the intelligence and the dignity of the people of Saint Lucia.