TAIWAN / ST LUCIA – The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) and foreign minister Jaushieh Joseph Wu having previously congratulated Saint Lucia’s prime minister, Philip Joseph Pierre, on July 29, shared a virtual exchange on August 3, 2021, with the leader of the Caribbean ally and senior officials; meanwhile, preparations are being made for the swearing-in ceremony of the Cabinet of ministers, slated for Thursday, August 5, 2021.
Taiwan and Saint Lucia resumed diplomatic relations in 2007, advancing cooperation in agriculture, culture, economy, health care, infrastructure, trade and global partnerships.
Truly wonderful to talk with @PhilipJPierreLC. I'm impressed by the PM's vision for #StLucia
, & #Taiwan
is excited to partner in its realization. Our countries share a great friendship founded on the values of freedom, democracy, respect for human rights & the rule of law. JW https://t.co/cgVE1IksTM pic.twitter.com/NkHWwTRE5V
— 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC (Taiwan)
(@MOFA_Taiwan) August 3, 2021
Foreign minister Jaushieh Joseph Wu on behalf of president Tsai Ing-wen thanked prime minister Pierre for Saint Lucia’s consistent support of Taiwan in the international arena, reaffirmed, president Tsai comments of the significance of the Taiwan – Saint Lucia diplomatic ties have become “indispensable” partners through close cooperation to improve people’s quality of life and that she looks forward to furthering the strong ties and friendship between Taiwan and Saint Lucia.
Foreign minister Wu extended an invitation to prime minister Pierre to lead a delegation to Taiwan when the COVID-19 situation stabilizes. In 2012, while serving as deputy prime minister Pierre, led a delegation to Taiwan.
According to previous communication, prime minister Pierre and his administration will continue enhancing bilateral ties with Taiwan, says MOFA. “Building on this friendly and solid foundation, the government will continue collaborating with prime minister Pierre and his administration in strengthening bilateral cooperation to advance sustainable development and inclusive prosperity for the benefit of the people,” the MOFA added.
My colleagues and I had the pleasure of an introductory phone conversation with the Foreign Minister of Taiwan, Joseph Wu hosted by Taiwanese Ambassador Chen. The discussions were fruitful and we look forward to continuous engagement.#PhilipCares #PuttingYouFirst pic.twitter.com/VUhISv4pzp
— Philip J. Pierre (@PhilipJPierreLC) August 3, 2021
During the virtual conversation, prime minister Pierre thanked president Tsai Ing-wen and Taiwan for assisting Saint Lucia’s infrastructure development and coronavirus-combating efforts, expressed an interest in advancing numerous cooperation projects as part of a broader commitment to deepening friendship and expanding exchanges between the countries, reports MOFA.
Taiwan – Saint Lucia has a bright future. The two countries have built strong cooperative ties and a genuine friendship since 2007.
Further cooperation in social, economic and diplomatic relations is beneficial for the advance of democracy and the mutual benefit of the Taiwanese and Saint Lucian people.
The Saint Lucia Labour Party (SLP) manifesto – #PuttingYouFirst – [224-SLP-Manifesto-2021] – external relations, reads:
Recognizing the strength of strategic alliances with countries and regional and international organizations as an avenue for the advancement of our people’s interests, a Saint Lucia Labour party will continue building on its existing relations with foreign governments and organizations and seek to build new alliances.
We shall, therefore, seek to undertake the following:
- Establish economic diplomacy with non- traditional countries in order to expand our country’s economic links and the opportunity for more foreign direct investment.
- Strengthen our relations with the French Caribbean to deepen cultural exchanges and economic activity.
- Commit to the concept of multilateralism in international affairs and non-political involvement in the affairs of other countries.
- Continue to provide unwavering support, in the spirit of regional integration, to the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) and the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and for the harmonization of OECS foreign policy.
- Invite highly skilled and distinguished Saint Lucians in the diaspora back home to share their knowledge, achievements and experiences, as part of an annual event, to inspire and motivate our young.