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HomeNewsGlobal NewsUS military strikes Kata’ib Hizbollah facilities across Iraq

US military strikes Kata’ib Hizbollah facilities across Iraq

WASHINGTON, USA – Earlier this evening, [March 12] the United States conducted defensive precision strikes against Kata’ib Hizbollah (KH) facilities across Iraq.

These strikes targeted five weapon storage facilities to significantly degrade their ability to conduct future attacks against Operation Inherent Resolve (OIR) coalition forces. These weapons storage facilities include facilities that housed weapons used to target US.and coalition troops.

These strikes were defensive, proportional, and in direct response to the threat posed by Iranian-backed Shia militia groups (SMG) who continue to attack bases hosting OIR coalition forces.

Wednesday’s attack on Camp Taji killed two US and one UK service members and wounded 14 others. It marked the latest in a series of rocket attacks conducted by Iranian-backed SMGs against US and coalition personnel – killing five and wounding dozens more, including Iraqi Security Forces.

“The United States will not tolerate attacks against our people, our interests, or our allies,” Secretary of Defense Dr Mark T. Esper said. “As we have demonstrated in recent months, we will take any action necessary to protect our forces in Iraq and the region.”

During discussions with senior Iraqi officials, the department re-emphasized its commitment to the force protection of coalition service members and to preventing SMG attacks on coalition forces.

These terror groups must cease their attacks on US and coalition forces or face consequences at a time and place of our choosing.

The US and the coalition remain committed to the lasting defeat of ISIS, and the long-term security, stability, and sovereignty of Iraq.



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