Home News Global News Canada’s foreign minister travels to Germany and France

Canada’s foreign minister travels to Germany and France

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mélanie Joly

By Caribbean News Global fav

OTTAWA, Canada – Mélanie Joly, minister of foreign affairs, has announced that she will travel to Germany and France to reiterate Canada’s support for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity with international partners.

The minister will depart Canada on Thursday, February 17, and return on Tuesday, February 22. All COVID-19-related public health rules and guidelines will be followed before, during and after the minister’s trip.

“Canada has played a significant role in the creation and the upholding of the rules-based international order. When these rules are challenged, Canada must stand up and work with its allies to prevent their deterioration. Russia’s aggression and destabilizing activities in and around Ukraine are deeply concerning and Canada will continue to engage with partners and allies to pursue a diplomatic resolution to the ongoing crisis,” says Global Affairs Canada in a press release February 16, 2022.

“In Germany, the minister will attend the Munich Security Conference, the world’s largest conference on security. There, she will reinforce Canada’s key foreign policy priorities, including our unwavering support to NATO and Ukraine. She will meet with Canada’s partners and allies to discuss efforts to resolve the current crisis in Ukraine diplomatically and the swift, severe consequences Russia will face should the Russian military further invade Ukraine. She will also meet with counterparts to discuss pressing global issues, including the protection of democracy against the rise of authoritarianism and transatlantic cooperation on security and defence issues.”

Global Affairs Canada announcement continued: “In France, the minister will meet with French foreign minister Le Drian, to discuss their work to ensure the stability and security of Ukraine. She will also attend an EU-sponsored forum on cooperation in the Indo-Pacific region. The forum will provide an opportunity to deepen our engagement with the European Union and regional stakeholders and to promote effective cooperation in the Indo-Pacific.

“International collaboration is a cornerstone of Canada’s foreign policy. By working with our allies to address the challenges in Eastern Europe, we make clear our intention to uphold the security and human rights across the globe,” said minister Joly.



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