Home News Caribbean News Cuba – US discusses law enforcement, compliance, University 2024

Cuba – US discusses law enforcement, compliance, University 2024


HAVANA, Cuba, (ACN) – Cuban and US law enforcement authorities met in Washington DC as part of their discussions on cooperation in the fight against terrorism, migrant smuggling and immigration fraud, drug trafficking, and other scourges that threaten the security of the two countries, and in the context of the 14th International Congress “University 2024.”

In an atmosphere of respect and professionalism, Cuba shared with its host information and proposals regarding the activities of US-based persons known to have links to the aforesaid and other illegal practices.

The delegations agreed that some transnational crimes affect the security of both nations and require a joint effort, as well as to continue this and other technical meetings in order to boost bilateral cooperation.

According to the Cuban ministry of foreign affairs, this exchange is revealing of the Cuban government’s commitment to fight terrorism, which is by no means inconsistent with the island’s categorical opposition to its unjustified and arbitrary inclusion in the state department list of alleged state sponsors of terrorism.

Cuba was represented by the ministries of the interior and of foreign affairs, the attorney general’s office, and the general customs office, whereas the US party included the Departments of Homeland Security, Justice and State.

University 2024

Meanwhile, Cuba and the US shared experiences at University 2024:

“It is in the interest of the Cuban and the American peoples to have more opportunities to know and have exchanges with each other and, if appropriate, establish and increase cooperation in health care, education, culture, science and all other fields,” said Carlos Fernández de Cossío, Cuban deputy minister of foreign affairs at a meeting with 59 rectors and vice-rectors from various US educational centers held in the context of the 14th International Congress “University 2024.”

Both parties agreed that there is great potential for cooperation between Cuban and US universities based on scientific research projects and academic exchanges.

Fernández de Cossío underscored the US’s current limitations to import from Cuba valuable minerals like cobalt and nickel because of a policy that gives sanctions right of way over the country’s strategic interests of technological development. “This is just one example of the many issues that we can address,” he stressed.

Members of both delegations agreed on the need to strengthen ties and to pay attention to environmental issues in education in order to improve today’s knowledge, skills, abilities and values regarding sustainable development and the pursuance of a dignified life where people can enjoy items and consumer goods increasingly different from those promulgated and promoted by capitalism.



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